Monday, January 14, 2008

Michigan Calling...

Ok, the title is not entirely accurate, it was ME calling MICHIGAN. Just thought it would be cool to do a nerdy political rip off of the old Clash tune. I think politics is starting to get to me...

Tonight was understandably the last night of calling for Romney's Call at Home campaign in Michigan. Here are my results from tonight ranked in order of percentage:

44% - for Romney
28% - Undecided
12% - for Juan McCain
12% - Democrat
4% - for Fred Thompson
0% - Huckabee

Again, the caveat here is that I was calling registered Republicans, and I only counted people who would answer questions on their potential votes. I would not consider this scientifically accurate because of hang ups or refusal to discuss the issue, and there was a good percentage of that type of call. All I can say is that the results are moderately encouraging. It's going to be tight tomorrow, I have no doubt.

One interesting call tonight- Let me preface this by saying that I think I have a strong enough grasp on the contrast of candidates to speak to anybody, but there was one respondent that truly baffled me. She was from one of the Northern counties in Michigan. She was well spoken, intelligent and pleasant in every way. We small-talked briefly and then I read her my script about Romney's platform as a fiscal conservative. Here is a synopsis of our conversation:

Me: “Can Governor Romney expect your support tomorrow in the Republican Primary?”
Her: "No"
Me: "Fair enough. What candidate are you most likely to support?"

Here's where it gets interesting, kids...

Her: "Well, I'm torn. I can't decide between John McCain or Hillary Clinton."

VERY pregnant pause...

Her: "Ashley, are you there?"
Me: "Yes... uh... WOW! I can't say that I've ever heard that comparison before in a REPUBLICAN primary. You said McCain and Clinton?"
Her: Yes."
Me: "Okay, tell me a little about what has you undecided between the two?"
Her: “I just like them both. I’m just going to leave it at that…”
Me: “Okay, I can respect that. Have a great evening! This call was paid for by…”

What does it all mean!?! I don’t know. Maybe the some of the good folks of Michigan don’t see a lot of breathing room between McCain and Hillary’s platforms. Maybe Hillary’s message is crossing the aisle. Maybe MCCAIN’S message is crossing the aisle. Maybe some people aren’t paying attention. Maybe some people ARE paying attention. What do you think?


Josh said...

i think mccain is crossing the aisle... has been for sometime. look at the names of his legislation, mccain-feingold, mccain-kennedy, mccain-lieberman.

Ashley said...

I agree- and that's not all! Check out Hugh Hewitt's latest blog on Townhall entitled McCain and the GOP:

The thing that struck me about the conversation with that lady is that she was basically equating the two candidates. Shows how far off the deep end McCain has gone to be mentioned in a similar context. Honestly, I'd rather vote for a Democrat. At least I would know what I was getting.