Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Straight Talk" from McCain? Factcheck.org Says NO.

By now all of our SC friends are probably getting McCain's attack ad where he bashes Romney's record as Governor. Even though McCain repeats that he is above such politics, and says that negative ads, "Don't work". Fair enough. But are the attacks true? This article from Newsweek is a must read for anyone potentially casting a vote for the Senator from AZ. Read on:

"McCain is sending out a postcard mailing in South Carolina that is misleading on more than one point.

It says that "Romney provided taxpayer-funded abortions," a distortion. Romney's Massachusetts health-care plan faced a court order requiring abortions to be covered.
It says Romney "refused to endorse Bush Tax Cut Plan," but fails to note that McCain himself voted against it.

It says, "Hillary tried to spend $1 million for a Woodstock museum" until "
John McCain said NO." In fact, McCain wasn't present for the most important votes on the project."

Believe me, it gets better. Check out the whole article here.

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