Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Possible VP Picks

Jeeyum asked me today who I thought the candidates would choose for VP. I don't want to throw my hat into that ring yet- A few months back, I though Huckabee would have been a great running mate for Romney. How WRONG was that? In any case, I thought about it and put together a few ideas. Let me know what you think...


Giuliani: Bernard Kerik, or some guy with a nickname like "Jimmy the Toucan". (From "The Freshman")
Huckabee: Jimmy Swaggart. Don't make fun or Chuck Norris will roundhouse kick you in the face.
McCain: Ted Kennedy. Or Juan Valdez.
Paul: Dennis Kucinich
Romney: The entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir (see, I can make fun of my guy, too)
Thompson: No running mate, just a tape recorder that plays that Law and Order "Duh Duh" sound.


Hillary: Bill (so maybe this isn't a joke, after all)
Obama: Al Sharpton
Edwards: Undecided. He's got more people to consider since he can choose from TWO Americas.
Kucinich: Still awaiting response from the mother ship. He'll get back to me on that one.

Let me know if you agree. It's a work in progress.

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