Saturday, January 19, 2008

Romney takes NV, McCain takes SC.

Let the spin begin. Already the media has labeled Mitt's 39 point victory in NV as window dressing, while McCain's 3 point victory as the doorway to the nomination. Oh well. We do what we can. Looks like Fred is getting out of the race. There is speculation that he will endorse McCain due to their long-time friendship. I don't see how Fred can do that in good conscience. I have a lot of respect for Fred Thompson, and I consider him a true conservative. Politically speaking, there is so much distance between the two men, I don't see how this is possible. Time will tell, I guess. If Thompson DOES endorse McCain, it will be interesting to see how many FredHeads follow suit and how many consider that move as a slap in the face. Florida is going to be fun to watch.

By the way, I made a post the other day talking about how Lindsey Graham was bouncing all over the stage like McCain's little lap-dog. Ever since then, I've had an old Looney Tunes cartoon seared into my brain. Do you remember which one I'm talking about? Well, thanks to the miracle that is Google, I found a picture of 'em.

My friends, (the ever-present McCain salute), I give you Spike the Bulldog and Chester the Terrier. Said Chester, "Where we goin' now old buddy? (bounce) Old Pal? Huh? (bounce, bounce) Where we goin'? Gee, Spike, You're so Strong!"

On to the Sunshine State... GO MITT!!!!


Rise said...

Maybe Fred Thompson is looking now to be VP?? An interesting note - last year at our county Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner, our speaker, who is one of our gubernatorial candidates, told my husband that Richard Burr was supporting McCain because McCain had promised him the vice presidency. I wonder how many others he promised this to?

Ashley said...

Good question. I think he has discussed the VP spot with Lieberman and I know for certain that he has discussed it with Lindsey Graham. I certainly hope that Thompson doesn't flip to McCain. That would be a truly sad day, and a lot of people would lose any respect they had for him- myself and Lindsey Graham included.