Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dem Debate

Don't know about you, but I found it frightening that many statements last night from the debate seem like they came straight from John McCain's campaign. Edwards talked praisingly about the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill and Campaign Finance Reform. Obama talked about claiming Republicans who had "lost trust in their government". That line is one that McCain has used repeatedly throughout the campaign. Obama used it verbatim. Granted, we HAVE in many instances become distrustful of what the Bush administration has done, but I find it very telling that the Democrat candidates are using the exact same phraseology as McCain to appeal to voters. Something to think about.


Anonymous said...

Side topic - I'm sure you already saw.. Thompson dropped out.


Ashley said...

I saw that- now everybody's going to wait and see who he endorses...

Anonymous said...

You have to try this.


Basically, you take a short quiz about current issues and it determine which candidate is best suited for you. I took the quiz and Mitt Romney came out on top for me.