Thursday, September 4, 2008

Game Changer

I gotta say that I was NOT PLEASED to hear that McCain chose a complete unknown in Sarah Palin for the VP slot. After cooling off a little and listening to her last night, I feel much better about it. She had some great one-liners, and since politics today seems to orbit around sound bites, I'll give you a few. You'll find that most of these revolve around Barack Obama. Some will make better sense if you actually heard the speech. If not, it's worth the forty minutes.

"A Mayor is a community organizer but with actual responsibilities"
"I put the jet on eBay"
"Obama has penned two memoirs, but never a major piece of legislation"
"After the styrofoam greek columns have been returned, after he has turned back the waters and saved the planet..." THIS LINE ALONE WAS WORTH STAYING UP PAST MY BEDTIME
"The American Presidency is not a journey of self discovery"

My initial reaction to her selection was that she took away McCain's best argument against Obama- the one about experience. Having heard Palin last night, that debate is back in play. We'll have to see how she does against Biden (I can't wait) and in a one-on-one situation when she has to defend her record.

It is a shame that her family life has taken center stage in the case against her. I don't think that her daughter's pregnancy has any bearing on her ability to lead. Hopefully we can have a substantive debate on the issues moving forward...


Rise said...

Yeah, I have gradually come to like her too. I loved her speech. I think it was the best, with Rudy's second and Huckabee's third of all the speeches. I also liked the part about putting the jet on Ebay. It has taken me a while to get over Romney losing to her, but, life goes on. And the videos from last night - Cindy's and John's - were great. I learned a lot, and I feel better about him now than I did before.

Megan said...

bah. there are a lot of people i like that i don't want to be president. this was nothing but a political stunt. yeah, i like her. yeah, i agree with her politics. i think she's going to crumble and start a whole string of mistake starting this week.

Josh said...

that was me, not megan

Ashley said...

I agree with you, Josh. It was/is a political stunt. We'll have to wait and see if McCain is considered a genius or a goat once we see the Palin/Biden debate. If she stands up to the scrutiny and nothing more is dredged up from her past, she may be putting guys like Romney, Pawlenty, Giuliani and the Huckster out of a job in 2012. We'll have to see. The media is DYING to catch her in a slip-up, and for her the old cliche "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" is appropriate