We've all heard that Mitt Romney has challenged John McCain to a one-on-one debate a few times. Up until this point, McCain has declined- until now. I have in my possession an exclusive transcript of a recent debate between the two. It has been buried by the media long enough. Here it is...
MR: I believe that our next commander in chief should have a solid understanding of the American economy. I have 25 years experience in the private sector building business, fixing companies that were broken and creating jobs. I helped to start Staples Corporation, and created 80,000 jobs with that company alone. Senator McCain, what economic expertise do you have?
JM: Governor, my record speaks for itself.
MR: Concerning the issue of illegal immigration, I believe that we must secure our borders, create tamper-proof biometric identification and a database to identify and track aliens in the country. We should penalize businesses who hire illegal aliens, and start the process of deporting illegals from the country. Amnesty is out of the question. What are your plans, Senator?
JM: I have learned my lesson. The American people say we must secure the borders first.
MR: What do you do after you have secured the borders?
JM: I just told you. I have learned my lesson. The American people say we must secure the borders first. We will secure the borders.
MR: What about the illegal immigrants that are here now?
JM: We will secure the borders first. Let's not deal in hypotheticals. We're not debating the Immigration Reform Bill again here. It's not on the table. We will secure the borders first.
MR: With regard to Iraq, we will not leave until we are victorious and Iraq can stand as a sovereign nation. We will not give our enemy a timetable for withdrawal.
JM: You just said "timetable". You're a Democrat.
MR: I said we WON'T give the enemy a timetable for withdrawal.
JM: There you go. You said it again. Timetable. My friends, Mitt Romney is a Democrat. I was endorsed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
MR: On the abortion issue, I was governor in one of the most liberal states in the union, and I have a 100% pro-life voting record. It is not easy to have this kind of political position in Massachusetts, but I did it. I came down on the side of life every time. Senator, you voted in favor of embryonic stem cell research. This is not a pro-life stance to take. What is your answer to this?
JM: My friend, I was a footsoldier in the Reagan Revolution, and a prisoner of war.
MR: Also as Governor, I favored a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. You don't endorse this same approach. As a matter of fact, in 2000, you received the endorsement of the Log Cabin Republicans, a national gay and lesbian Republican grassroots organization. What is your stance on this issue?
JM: My friend, I was a footsoldier in the Reagan Revolution, and a prisoner of war.
MR: I believe that the McCain/Feingold bill flies in the face of the first amendment.
JM: I was a footsoldier in the Reagan Revolution, and a prisoner of war. I was a footsoldier in the Reagan Revolution. A footsoldier!
MR: Senator, You were one of only two Republicans to vote against the Bush tax cuts, and now you want to make them permanent. Why the change of stance?
JM: My record speaks for itself. You can spend all your millions and it won't change that fact. I was also a footsoldier in the Reagan Revolution. Did I tell you that?
MR: Senator, you're not answering any of my questions.
JM: You said "timetable.”
As you can see, it was quite a lively debate. I look forward to the next one.