Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Conversations with my Children

Lately the girls have been extra funny with their opinions on ordinary life. Here are a couple of our recent favorites:

1. After bathtime, Ellie said to Shannon, "Riley smells like watermelon, I smell like lipstick, and Hannah smells like a horse."

2. Tonight at dinner, Shannon told Hannah that she was having a Parent/teacher conference with Ms. Searcy, her kindergarten teacher. Here's the conversation:

Shannon: "Tomorrow I have a conference with Ms. Searcy."
Hannah: (with noticeable apprehension), "Why?"
Shannon: It's just a meeting so that she can tell me how things are going at school. Have you been a good girl?"
Hannah: "Uh... Uh... Reasonably."


DH-L said...

Carlyle to Cynthia yesterday: "Gaga, I want to talk about "Batteries not included" "
Cynthia to Carlyle "why Sweetheart?"
Carlyle to Cynthia "Because it's not right that when children take their presents home for Christmas, they don't work" !!!!!

Kiwi Fix It said...

My Lindsay, under the influence of TV media (male parental unit acknowledging too much time spent in front of that) was tooting a song the other day. Happily as she skipped around the house - the tune she was gleefully rendering suddenly stuck a nerve in the ole brain. I stopped her in her tracks - "Lindsay! What song are you humming?" "You know Dad, that guy who is smiling all the time" she replies. And then in her attempt to clarify the source of the catchy tune, she tilted her head and beamed a huge canned smile. My dread was confirmed as my daughter did her best (and right on I might add) imitation of Smiling Bob. If she poses the question of why Bob is smiling - I'll refer to his excellent golf swing and excellent follow thru at the bowling alley. As for his glee behind the wheel - I'll just tell Lindsay, “On the race track there are no speed limits.” As an excellent backseat driver, she’ll understand that.