Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Conversations with my Children

Lately the girls have been extra funny with their opinions on ordinary life. Here are a couple of our recent favorites:

1. After bathtime, Ellie said to Shannon, "Riley smells like watermelon, I smell like lipstick, and Hannah smells like a horse."

2. Tonight at dinner, Shannon told Hannah that she was having a Parent/teacher conference with Ms. Searcy, her kindergarten teacher. Here's the conversation:

Shannon: "Tomorrow I have a conference with Ms. Searcy."
Hannah: (with noticeable apprehension), "Why?"
Shannon: It's just a meeting so that she can tell me how things are going at school. Have you been a good girl?"
Hannah: "Uh... Uh... Reasonably."

Monday, October 29, 2007

You heard it here first...

Okay, maybe not FIRST, but maybe one of the first few... I predict that when Gov. Romney wins the republican nomination, he chooses Mike Huckabee as his running mate. Why you say? Check out this article from Politico.com. Soon, I'll figure out how to imbed these links without having to navigate off the page. Sorry, I'm still new at this.


What did you think? I believe that Gov. Huckabee's platform will do much to woo the Christian Conservatives who can't bring themselves to vote for a (collective gasp) Mormon candidate...

Romney's Great Morning...

Romney's polling well in Iowa so far. Check out the link below and make sure you read the disclaimer in the middle of the page. Romeny also picked up a key endorsment in NH. Check it out...


Friday, October 26, 2007

First Post... Kind of...

This is my second foray into the blogosphere. Hopefully this one will stick. I'm undecided about the "theme" my blog will take, but my current interests have taken a decidedly political slant. I must say that I am enjoying the current election cycle to the point of addiction. Healthy or not, "it is what it is" (By the way, that's the title of Shannon's blog. Check it out). It will come as no surprise to those who know me that I am a Conservative. I have been increasingly dismayed with the current batch of Republicans, and while I am still registered as such, I have chosen to drop the moniker until I see Republicans acting like Republicans.

Gosh! I sound almost like a Ron Paul backer, don't I? Not so. While I respect Dr. Paul and his strictly constitutional philosophy, I think he is a fringe candidate at best. At worst he could become the next Ross Perot and ruin the election as a third party candidate. The Clintons should have sent Mr. Perot a thank you card.

As you can see from the picture, I am a strong supporter of Mitt Romney. This picture was taken at a recent “Ask Mitt Anything” event he hosted in Tega Cay SC. There were a relatively small amount of people there, and we were able to ask questions and receive answers in a very intimate format. I was able to shake his hand and look him in the eye. I found him to be very sincere and forthright, and his political views align very closely to my own. Ralph Norman (SC contender for Congress in ’06) introduced Governor Romney as, “The only candidate in the field who has signed both the front and back of a paycheck.” That struck a chord with me. It will be good to have a person in office who has had both political and private sector success.

I will be posting a video I took of Governor Romney at the event. He was asked a question about trade policy. I posted it on Youtube. Now if I can just figure out how to stick it on my blog…