I think what saddens me the most were the shady politics I observed from competing campaigns. I'm not too naive to know that these things occur, but to see it bandied about without regard for the truth was a little jarring. Some of this you may have heard in the mainstream media, such as McCain's attacks claiming Mitt wanted to remove troops from Iraq. What you probably didn't hear about were the robo-calls from the McCain camp saying that Mitt Romney wanted to "take God out of America". These attacks were focused on areas like Bay county in the panhandle where evangelicals are prevalent. These were also tag-teamed by the Huckabee campaign, who we confirmed was using our call list to "spam" potential voters with messages from Mitt Romney. The aim was to anger the many undecided voters and turn them to other candidates. If you'd like to know how Huckabee did it and how we found out, I'm happy to explain, but it's a little too geeky to cover in a short blog post. E-mail me. In any case, it became evident in a hurry that the three major camps competing with Romney have been doing a little "talking" behind the scenes. Again, I'm not surprised by this, just disappointed in the lack of integrity. If McCain wins the nomination and the Presidency (which I doubt), don't be surprised to see Attorney General Giuliani and Vice President Huckabee. Sorry Lindsey Graham, you just got put at the kids' table for dinner...
Here are a few pictures from yesterday. I didn't take many because we barely took time off to go to the bathroom. Enjoy.
Members of the "Keating Five" watching the initial results come in on my laptop
This is a funny picture. Next door to our HQ, there was a tanning salon owned by a rabid Rudy supporter. They must've had 10 signs in the window display. Above, you will see an uninteded metaphor for what happened to the Giuliani campaign. Note the juxatposition of the porcelain throne to Rudy's sign. The purple flowers are nice though...
I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you had wished. You should be proud of the counties your group covered, thats impressive..
Excellent shot and analysis of the toilet picture, haha.
Unfortunately, Huckabee and McCain are going to gang up on Romney at the next debate, ugh.
Article about what people think about McCain, also just as aggrivating...
Another finding - Exit polling - When voters were asked which candidate was best suited to address the economy, McCain came out on top. THAT REALLY BAFFLES ME. Are the people in Florida that misinformed? The man has no plan. When asked about it, he dodges the question and talks about radical Islamic extremism. Yes Mr. McCain, I want our nation to be safe too. I'm very proud of everyone that is over there fighting for us and have the highest respect for them. I have a few friends there now. Mr. McCain, how how are you going to fund protecting the nation from Islamic extremism without the money to pay for it? What is your plan? I haven't heard it.
Will someone please put him on the spot in the debate and ask him for a straight answer on how he plans to pay for it......
Fantastic analysis. When we were calling our counties, I highlighted the fact that Romney was the only candidate on the stage that had ever worked in the private sector, and that he was the only candidate who had ever created a job. Case in point- the CEO of staples was at the rally for Mitt. He said nobody thought a warehouse office supply store would ever be profitable. Romney thought differently, started the company and it is a multibillion dollar company that employs 80,000 people. That's right. I said 80,000 jobs. And that's only ONE of the companies he has worked on. He's been doing it for 25 years. Mitt said it best himself, "Nobody needs to brief me on the economy." The people I spoke to in Florida agreed. At this point, we all need to get behind him and do what we can to keep liberal McCain out of office. Tell your friends.
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